Friday, January 27, 2012

Fabulous Friday

I work at a church so my work week begins on Sunday.  I love my Sunday mornings worshiping God and teaching my kids.  I look forward to it all week.  On Monday, it's time in my office to prepare for the activities of the week. Tuesday includes meetings and planning time with the various church committees.  Wednesday is just crazy with Bible studies and suppers and children's programs, scouts, and youth groups.  And Thursday is picking up from the night before and preparing for Sunday.

So, because I work on Sunday, my weekend begins on Friday.  Not a bad deal.  Most everyone is at work so the grocery store is less busy.  While everyone is in their office toiling away, I can take long walks with my dog or sit at home and read a good book. The freedom on my Friday is one that I treasure.  It feels a little bit like playing hooky---which I never did, of course.  Really, Mom!

These fabulous Fridays are my time to re-fill my bucket.  Why is that something that we always put off? I just found a short story about resigning my adulthood in favor of going back to being eight years old when the important things in life were games of tag, M&M's, lemonade stands and playing in the creek.  I'm just wondering why we have to resign from adulthood to do that.  From the time we are old enough to speak we want to be 'grown up.'  And then when we are grown up, we want to go back to being kids.

Why can't we be both?  I was telling some friends at dinner last night that I walk home from work most nights.  I choose to do this.  One wonderful night, after dark, I started home in the most beautiful snowstorm.  The flakes were enormous and the snow was falling so gently.  It was like walking in a great big snowglobe.  It was beautiful!

One lady, standing on her front porch, hollered at me, wondering if I'd noticed that it was snowing.  I assured her that I was well aware and how much I was enjoying it.  I'm certain she went inside her warm home and told her family about the crazy lady walking in the snow.  But I have this beautiful memory of  looking up at the sparkling, soft snow falling all around me.  Everything was so peaceful and still.  It was an experience that thrilled me to my very core.

Am I crazy?  Well, that certainly is one option.  Just ask my teenaged son.  I'm sure there are many days he would verify that.  I choose to think that I've just found a way to use every one of my senses to appreciate both, being an adult and a child.  I don't think we have to choose one over the other.  Choose the best of both and minimize all else. 

And, as the snow falls today, I think I'll take a walk!

Image Ref: 19-28-54 - Footsteps in the snow, Viewed 13756 times

This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

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