Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't Hold On So Tight, It Hurts

There is a person in my life who is trying desperately to hold on to something.  He has worked for many years on this project and, for those of us outside of the picture, it is easily seen that the time for change has come.  But for him, he has grabbed hold of the known, fearful of the unknown, with a grip that is causing great pain to himself and others--real, physical pain as well as emotional pain. 

It has caused me to reflect on major changes in my own life.  Certainly I have  walked in his shoes, afraid of what might happen, holding on for dear life to what I knew, no matter how bad it was.  And just as certainly as it is happening now, if it's time for change it will happen, whether we fight it or not. No matter how tightly we hold on, there is very little that can stop it.  The divine plan will move us on whether we are ready or not, whether we want it or not.  It doesn't matter.

I guess what I hope I have learned is that fighting against the change is pointless; that we must all attempt to look at things through other's eyes as well as our own, for when we do,  we see truths that we are not always able to see by ourselves. And as we find these truths it becomes easier to relax and let the life changes happen. 

The amazing thing is that when we relax and let it all just flow, we are then filled with a calm and a peace that we have not known before.  It's still a little scary--this unknown, but it's easier because there are no battles, no wars, no 'hanging on.'  And even more amazing, there begins a new hope.

I wish for my friend a new hope.

Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off.
Proverbs 24:14


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